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최고급 생활 영어 표현 - 첫번째 이야기

카테고리 없음

by 서울라이츠 스토리 2024. 7. 29. 23:00



토익과 토플 이외에도 우리가 생활에서 사용할수 있는 영어 표현을 정리해봤어요 

쉽게 접할수 있는 용어부터 직역하면 곤란한 표현까지 표현과 더불어서 간단한 설명과 예문을 추가했습니다. 

모두 화이팅입니다! 

1. "He left the cat out of the bag" - 그는 비밀을 누설했다

  • 누군가 비밀을 말하다
  • 예문: He accidentally left the cat out of the bag during the meeting.

2. "It's chicken feed" - 그건 푼돈에 지나지 않아

  • 아주 적은 돈을 의미한다
  • 예문: The amount they offered was just chicken feed compared to what I expected.

3. "I'm in the doghouse today" - 난 입장이 아주 난처해

  • 잘못을 저질러 다른 사람을 화나게 해서 난처한 상황
  • 예문: I'm in the doghouse with my wife because I forgot our anniversary.

4. "My brother got the lion's share" - 형이 제일 큰 몫을 차지했어

  • 가장 큰 몫을 받다
  • 예문: My brother got the lion's share of the inheritance.

5. "Are you trying to make a monkey out of me?" - 날 바보로 취급하는 거야?

  • 누군가를 바보로 만들려 하다
  • 예문: Are you trying to make a monkey out of me with this ridiculous plan?

6. "Monkey business" - 수상한 행위, 사기

  • 불법적이거나 정직하지 않은 행동
  • 예문: There was some monkey business going on in the office.

7. "I smell a rat" - 수상한 냄새가 나

  • 뭔가 의심스럽다
  • 예문: I smell a rat. Something is not right here.

8. "We had a whale of a time" - 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈어

  • 굉장히 즐거운 시간을 보내다
  • 예문: We had a whale of a time at the amusement park.

9. "He opened a can of worms" - 그는 일을 복잡하게 만들었어

  • 문제를 해결하려다 더 많은 문제를 만들다
  • 예문: By bringing up that issue, he opened a can of worms.

10. "He's bananas" - 그는 제정신이 아니야 -

미치거나 흥분하다

예문: He's bananas if he thinks he can finish that project in one day.

11. "They are offering me a carrot" - 그들은 내게 회유책을 쓰고 있어

보상을 약속하며 유혹하다

예문: They're offering me a carrot to finish the project early.

12. "Beef about" - 뭐에 대해서 불평하다

불평하거나 투덜대다

예문: He always beefs about the smallest things.

13. "He is as cool as a cucumber" - 그는 아주 침착해

매우 침착하다

예문: Even in stressful situations, he is as cool as a cucumber.

14. "It's pie in the sky" - 그건 그림의 떡이야 

실현 가능성이 없는 희망을 말한다 

예문: His plan to become a billionaire overnight is just pie in the sky.

15. "He is not such a bad egg after all" - 그는 그렇게 나쁜 놈이 아니야

예문: I thought he was rude, but he is not such a bad egg after all.

16. "You're full of beans" - 기운이 넘치는구나

에너지가 넘치다

예문: The kids are full of beans after eating all that candy.

17. "Eat crow" - 잘못을 인정하다

자신의 잘못을 인정하다

예문: After realizing his mistake, he had to eat crow and apologize.

18. "Butter up" - 아첨하며 환심을 사다

예문: He is always trying to butter up the boss.

19. "Milk him for as much as you can" - 그를 가능한 한 이용해라

예문: They tried to milk him for as much as they could during the negotiation.

20. "She has egg on her face" - 그녀는 창피를 당했어

예문: She had egg on her face after making that mistake in the presentation.

21. "You're riding the gravy train now" - 이제 돈 걱정 없는 상태야 

예문: Ever since he got that high-paying job, he's been riding the gravy train.

22. "It cost an arm and a leg" - 거금이 들게 너무 비싸다

예문: The new car cost an arm and a leg.

23. "That's a rip-off" - 그건 바가지로 너무 비싸다

예문: $50 for a simple meal? That's a rip-off!

24. "That's highway robbery" - 순 날강도야(너무 비싸다) 

예문: Charging $100 for a ticket is highway robbery.

25. "Nest egg" - 저축한 돈, 비상금

예문: She has been saving up a nest egg for her retirement.

26. "Cash and Carry" - 현찰 판매

설명: 현금으로 지불하고 물건을 바로 가져가는 판매 방식

예문: They only accept cash and carry in that store.

27. "Pay for ... up front" - 선불을 내다

예문: You have to pay for the service up front.

28. "I'm not made of money" - 내게 엄청난 돈이 있는 게 아니야

예문: I can't afford that luxury car. I'm not made of money.

29. "He is a pain in the neck" - 그는 골칫거리야

설명: 성가신 사람 - 예문: My little brother can be such a pain in the neck sometimes.

30. "Why the long face?" - 너 왜 시무룩해?

설명: 왜 슬퍼 보이니?

예문: Why the long face? Did something happen?

31. "She has a good head on her shoulders" - 그녀는 지혜로워

설명: 현명하고 실용적이다

예문: She has a good head on her shoulders and always makes smart decisions.

32. "It's on the tip of my tongue" - 아 그건 생각이 날 듯 말 듯 해

설명: 기억이 날 듯 말 듯 하다

예문: His name is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember it.

33. "Don't tell me you are getting cold feet" - 설마 겁먹은 거 아니지?

예문: Don't tell me you're getting cold feet before the big presentation.

34. "That's no skin off my nose" - 나와 상관없어

설명: 나에게 영향을 미치지 않다

예문: If he wants to quit, that's no skin off my nose.

35. "I caught the bus by the skin of my teeth" - 가까스로 버스를 탔다는 간신히 해내다  

예문: I caught the bus by the skin of my teeth this morning.

36. "Are you off your head?" - 너 미쳤어?

예문: Are you off your head? You can't seriously be thinking about doing that.

37. "My eyes are bigger than my stomach" - 과식하다

예문: I ordered too much food. My eyes were bigger than my stomach.

38. "Keep on your toes" - 방심하지 마

설명: 긴장을 늦추지 않다

예문: Keep on your toes during the meeting; the boss is very demanding.

39. "Toe the line" - 윗사람이 시키는 대로 하다

설명: 규칙을 따르다

예문: If you want to stay in this company, you have to toe the line.
